Mediterranean Combo visited Budapest for a B2B dinner held on March 24nd at Mamaison Hotel Andrassy. This business dinner was planned by the members of the Union of Legal Entities of Fresh Vegetable Producers and the Spanish Association of Kaki, within the framework of the European Program MEDITERRANEAN COMBO, and aimed at promoting fresh vegetables from Greece and Spain in the European Market.

During the dinner our honored guests had the chance to be informed about Mediterranean’s combo quality, production and unique characteristics.

“Mediterranean Combo – Top Quality Fruits & Vegetables from Europe” is the distinctive title of the promotional program “Information provision and promotion measures on fruits and vegetables in the internal market of EU”, which is co-funded by the EU, and it aims to spread awareness among consumers in the targeted countries, and also among professionals such as food experts, distributors and wholesalers regarding the production of European fruits and vegetables of unparalleled quality and taste, which are produced in accordance with the strictest safety standards.

Here are some highlights taken at the event: